Monday, March 4, 2019

Critical Theory Essay

Critical possibleness is a body of ideas gener ally associated with the Frankfurt School. It was during the early eighties that a new form of theoretic inquiry which was highly detailed of tradional theories of IR, emerged. However the genesis of the surmise can be found in the works of Kant and Marx with their emphasis on the emancipatry purpose of fellowship and enquiry. In other words vituperative theory entails enlightenment project which subjects knowledge and education to the ideal purpose of freedom and liberation.Jurgon Habermas gave a new smell to the critical and emancipatory views of Kant and Marx when he questioned the epistemological(source of knoeledge) and ontological(nature of being) foundations of existing social order and said that all knowledge is historically and politically based. Critical theory besides involves the pass judgment of modernity in the domains of state capitalism, high-tech reindustrialization and science-cum-computer oriented education du st that have strengthened and perpetuated the hegemony and control of few.Among the prominent critical theorists inclde Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Paulo Friere, basin Forester, Herbert Mercuse, Andrew Linklater and Dieter Misgeld,etc,.Trends in Critical possiblenessFollowing are important trends in critical theorya) Critical Social TheoryThe basic spot of analysis in critical social theory is society as a whole. It seldom focuses on state. It discusses all the social structures which are trusty for dominance, ignorance and exploitation. Frankfurt Scool is the poineer of this trend.b) Critical International TheoryCritical international theory with its basis in emancipatory ideas of Kant and Marx seeks to look for the possibilities of tronsforming international relations so that constraints of dominance are removed and univaresal freedom and equality achieved. It is actually the extension of critical social theory to the domain of international relations.Key Aspects of Criti cal Theory1) Problem-Solving and Critical TheoriesProblem-solving Theory Accordinng to Robert Cox problem solving theory takes the solid ground as it finds it.It does not challenge the present order but countenance and affects its smooth working by solving the particular problems that troubles it. Traditional theories of IR are considered to be working in fever of stabilising common structures of world order with their inequalities of power and wealth. 2) Critical International Theory It argues that cognitive processes themselves are subject to political interests and, therefore, are to be critically surveyd. Theories of IR like any other knowledge are conditioned by social, cultural and ideological influence and the task of critical theory is to evaluate such conditioning implications. It not only challenges the status-quo oriented theories but also comes up with normative solutions in favor of emancipation.

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